This is the bag flat on one side. There's three squares at the base, and three on the sides, and six squares on the other side.
And here's the inside. I kind of made some mistakes, though. But it's all good. They're good learning mistakes for the next time I want to make a granny square purse. Like one thing I learned is that you should pay attention to how you are connecting the squares. If I was paying attention, I wouldn't have some of the squares puckering on the outside..if you know what I mean.
Anyway, I need some help. Can anybody tell me how I can add handles to this? It would be much appreciated.
Can you take a picture of the handles next to the bag? This would give me an idea of how to help you. I'm sure it would just be a matter of crocheting a flap on both sides and fold it over the handle and sew onto the inside of the bag :) Cat...
you could line it and add zipper, and then make a strap out off same fabric. any color would be nice. just an idea :) fabric handle might be stronger then crocheted, Tink
Can you take a picture of the handles next to the bag? This would give me an idea of how to help you. I'm sure it would just be a matter of crocheting a flap on both sides and fold it over the handle and sew onto the inside of the bag :)
- Cat -
Okay. Also, if you can tell me if I can add a zipper before or after the handle. Maybe I will post the handles next to the bag tomorrow.
Thanks Cat!
you could line it and add zipper, and then make a strap out off same fabric. any color would be nice. just an idea :) fabric handle might be stronger then crocheted, Tink
- Tink -
Okay. Thank you. That's definately an idea I can take into consideration.
Thanks again!
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