Crochet: Granny Square Tote Bag Purse Part 3 of 6
I've got to undo this old bag that I don't want...and it's not going to be easy to undo this or unravel it. I think I might just have to start cutting unfortunately.
Here's the base of my tote bag. It measures about 12 inches long and almost 7.5 inches wide. I think that's a good size for me. Now I am just going to try and figure out which method to use to connect and attach the squares. I was trying to figure out this one method, where you attach them as you go, but as you can see from Twitter, I just couldn't figure out how it was done. I think there are two other ways to attach these squares. I think one way is where you can see the border of the yarn around the squares, and the other one you aren't able to see it as clearly. Anyway, the next post about this purse, should be the last one, where it will be finished.
Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I'm glad you added me to your circle on Etsy, and I added you also. Nice to meet a fellow crocheter/knitter and Christian!!
- Anastasia -
I agree, it is definately nice to meet another crocheter/knitter and Christian.
And by the way, you do some nice work. I like that hat you make. It's like a flapper or a cloche (I hope I spelled that right) hat. I like it alot and am inspired now to try and learn to make one myself, so thank you again!
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