Anyway, one of the kid's asked me to teach him how to crochet a book/bible cover. I said "yes" at the time, but now, here I am and the thing is I wasn't really sure how to do it. But here's what I've got so far. And then, of course, google, I looked up some pictures there to see exactly how it looks. They looked pretty good for being made of yarn.
I want it to come out well, because my Pastor made an announcement in church, telling the congregation I am taking orders for making crochet bible covers. You should have seen my face when she said that, but it's all good. I can do this! Can I? (Stay tuned for further embarrassment or triumph?)
I've made book covers with fabric but not with crochet. Let us know how it all comes out?
Kids keep you thinking and young at heart. And they can be a little bit of a pain in the neck at times, but mostly, if they aren't your own (!) they are fun to teach.
- Zippi -
Yes, they are fun to teach at times, and I don't like to just push them aside just because they drive me crazy or be inpatient with them.
Thanks for visiting Mama's Magic!
That's so great that you are sharing your skills and enthusiasms by teaching! and pretty neat that the Pastor announced it!
- Jen (Mama's Magic) -
You're welcome for the visit.
Yeah, I like to hear the excitement on the kid's face when they are actually able to do it. That's always a good feeling. What I don't like is when they start arguing with each other who is a better crocheter.
Ahhh..kids...can't live with em, can't live with em.
Just kidding!
Great idea, I teach also and one of my projects is going to be a bible cover and book marks.I love it when project go to good use. See ya soon Have a great week. Tink
- Tink -
Thanks! You too!
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