I finished these a while ago, it just took me some time to find the time to upload. These were actually really easy. It's just that I think I made the upper part a little bit smaller than I was supposed to. So the next time I make these I hope to do better.

Also, the pattern instructions said to put the wrong sides together and I guess sew them and then turn them right side out (it wasn't really clear towards the end of the pattern). But I don't know any other way to connect crochet things together excpet by slip stitching all the way around. And when I did that, with the wrong sides together, it just did not look like the picture. So I just put the right sides together and slip stitched all the way around.
I know I could kind of sew them together with a big needle (I think they call it a darning needle?), or whip stitch. But I have no clue what whip stitch is, and I was too lazy to look it up.
It's an easy way to make kid's slippers in just a flash. It's really cute.
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