Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Knitting: Circular Needles Second Hat

I probably should have taken a picture of the yarn before I put it in a probably would of looked better.....

Teaberry Ombre is the name of the yarn....

By Caron. I don't even know if they make this yarn anymore. I mean if the company Caron is still even around.

Anyway, I started another hat. Except on circular needles. The tam was giving me a headache. Mainly because I think I messed up on it, so I wanted to do something that I know I can do right, and that would be fast. When I first started knitting years ago, I didn't really like circular needles, and I'm not sure why. But starting this project, changed my mind completely. Since I couldn't use my double pointed needles because they are on the Tam, I used these. The great thing about circular needles is that I don't have to worry about losing a stitch, and that's the main problem I have with double pointed needles.

Anyway, here's what I got so far.


knittingdragonflies said...

I love circular needles! Once I found them, I try to knit everything on them! Yes the company still makes yarn.

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

You can never have too many hats! This will be a winner ;)

I also prefer circular needles for comfort and also because they are so much more versatile when combined with "magic loop!"

Z said...

- Knitting Dragonflies -

Yeah, I like them now. I really don't know what changed my mind about them, but I am enjoying using them now.

And, thank you, about the company, I was wondering about that. I haven't seen them, but maybe it's because I haven't really been looking lately.

- Mr Puffy -

What's a magic loop?