If you're a Christian and you celebrate Halloween, it's wrong, and you need to check your salvation.
The bible says that we are suppossed to be salts in this world. That we are suppossed to be lights in this dark world. How can we be lights in this world when we are doing the same thing that the unsaved are doing?
The more I look around the more that I see Christians who don't even really seem like Christians. I know the bible says don't judge, so just pray for me. If you want to call this judging you can, I call it fruit inspecting. :D
But how can you be just as tattooed up as the person next to you, and then say, I love the Lord, when the bible clearly says not to mark up your body? Don't give that excuse, "that's Old Testament" stuff. Old Testament or New Testament, it all came from God's mouth, so that means it's all true and it all needs to be followed.
There really isn't alot of difference these days between a so-called Christian and a sinnner, except the Christian goes to church on Sunday and the sinner doesn't.
There's no power in the body of Christ, because Christians are doing the same thing that the world is doing. Getting tattoes. Sleeping around (fornication, for those who don't know or shacking for those who are older). Participating in Halloween. Drinking. Going to clubs and bars. The list goes on and on.
How do you know whether you have any power or not?
(1) Are you able to draw people to Christ?
(2) Are you healthy? Spiritually and physically?
(3) When you pray do your prayers get answered?
Let's take the first one. How can you draw somebody to Christ when you were in the club with them shacking your booty just as much as they were? Where's the difference? Where's that something special that might draw an unsaved person to the Lord?
The second one, now don't get me wrong. There are alot of reasons why Christians are sick, and it's not just because you have no power in your life. There could be other reasons. But when you are in a club or a bar doing the same thing as everybody else, that's sin. How can you knowingly committ sin and then come to God asking Him to heal you? How can you knowingly sleep around and then when you catch some sexual disease, you want God to heal you, when fornication is a sin?
And finally, the third one, why would God answer any of your prayers when you don't even obey His word?
Why would God heal you when just last week you had a costume on with your bag out looking for candy? He's probably trying to figure out if you really belong to Him or not.
People want to serve God how they want to, when they want to, however they want to. But the truth of the matter is, that's just not going to fly. The bible says "come from among them and be ye separate, says the Lord".
As I'm writing this, I'm not saying I'm perfect, so you don't even need to go there. I'm just saying, being a Christian is being a disciplined beleiver. It's being Christ-like. Do you really think the Lord would be in a club? Does that sound like something He'd do? Trick or treating? A tatooe? Having sex with every woman He saw? You know it ain't because He didn't even get married.
The Lord kept His focus on what He was put on earth to do. Dying for our sins and resurrecting on the third day. We need to keep our focus as well. Being lights in this dark world. Loving the unloveable. Being salts of the earth.
As I'm writing this, I'm not saying I'm perfect, so you don't even need to go there. I'm just saying, being a Christian is being a disciplined beleiver. It's being Christ-like. Do you really think the Lord would be in a club? Does that sound like something He'd do? Trick or treating? A tatooe? Having sex with every woman He saw? You know it ain't because He didn't even get married.
The Lord kept His focus on what He was put on earth to do. Dying for our sins and resurrecting on the third day. We need to keep our focus as well. Being lights in this dark world. Loving the unloveable. Being salts of the earth.