Sunday, December 30, 2012
Changes And Happy New Year
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas And Crochet Cluster Beanie
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
All That Glitters Ain’t Gold
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Christianity And Halloween - My Thoughts (Sorry So Late)
If you're a Christian and you celebrate Halloween, it's wrong, and you need to check your salvation.
As I'm writing this, I'm not saying I'm perfect, so you don't even need to go there. I'm just saying, being a Christian is being a disciplined beleiver. It's being Christ-like. Do you really think the Lord would be in a club? Does that sound like something He'd do? Trick or treating? A tatooe? Having sex with every woman He saw? You know it ain't because He didn't even get married.
The Lord kept His focus on what He was put on earth to do. Dying for our sins and resurrecting on the third day. We need to keep our focus as well. Being lights in this dark world. Loving the unloveable. Being salts of the earth.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Christianity And Halloween Part 3 Of 3
How do we teach our children to wrestle spiritually?
- Discourage them from participating in traditional Halloween activities (2 Timothy 2:4).
- Encourage them to pray on a regular, daily basis (Ephesians 6:18). Let them know first hand the power that we have in prayer. All Christians should know how to fight on their knees.
- Remind them to be alert and self-controlled (1 Corinthians 16:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:6). Give them the discipline of knowing it is their responsibility to keep watch. They, themselves, might also become casualties in the war.
- Make certain they are prepared for battle (Ephesians 6:11). Do they know the truth? Stand on the Word of God? Have faith? Know the gospel? Are they righteous? Are they saved?…
- Join with other families in the church. Have the pastor announce a night of spiritual battle. Organize a group of Christians parents and students from your children’s school or homeschool group. As a family, designate the seven nights before October 31 as Family Prayer Outreach nights.
- Pray for protection. Pray over both those who engage in prayer warfare and over those who will be out trick-or-treating or at Halloween parties. October 31 is a prime recruiting time for witches and Satanists… and a time for interested kids to experiment. Pray that the Lord keeps our kids from falling prey to those who worship the enemy.
- Pray for discernment. Let the Holy Spirit direct you to specific prayer requests. Pray that the children who are “out there” will somehow “know” to keep away from certain activities.
- Pray that the Lord hinder the occult rituals. For four years, I lived in a building which over looked a cemetery where occult ceremonial markings were often found. On certain occult feast days, usually between midnight and 3 a.m., I would look down into the darkness and kneel at my window binding the demons that controlled the ceremonies. I’ll never know this side of heaven what effect my prayers had. Maybe a potential sacrifice escaped. Maybe the occultists weren’t successful in summoning their demon. Maybe a new, young recruit decided that this was not the lifestyle he thought he wanted.
- Pray for the salvation of the occultists. Jesus Christ died for those whom Satan holds captive and deceived, for those who mock Him, who deny His deity or His existence. He doesn’t want them to perish, but to come to Him calling Him Father, Lord. Pray the veil is lifted from their eyes, the Lord allows them to see clearly their spiritual condition and their only hope lies in Jesus Christ. Pray also, about whether the Lord would have you take a more active role in bringing the gospel to Satan’s servants.
- Let your children know that this is effective warfare. They must know their prayers are heard and acted on by our Father. Let them know they can make a difference. Come October 31, they’ll know they have a job to do.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Christianity And Halloween Part 2 Of 3
- It is a celebration.
- It is chaperoned (usually).
- It may have costumes.
- Games are played.
- Contests are held.
- Food abounds.
- Music blares.
- Everyone enjoys themselves.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Christianity And Halloween Part 1 Of 3
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Crochet: Backpack
This is what has come of my backpack so far. It’s not really shaping up as I thought. I probably didn’t need to use two skeins of yarn at the same time. Using one would have been okay.
I’m actually a little bit farther than the pictures. I’ve already decreased at the top, and also made the part where the drawstring of this bag will be. Now I’m just doing one row of 2 single crochets, and then I will bind off. And then make my tie and then add it to the bag as a drawstring. Hope that made sense.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Hoorayyy!! - Carl's Jr!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Foto Friday: September 21, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Foto Friday
Nothing really interesting happened this week. I took a few pictures of what I saw on my walk.
I drank some of this on my walk. I thought it might be healthier than a soda, but I looked on the back of the label, at the ingredients. 44 grams of sugar!!
I took a picture of this tree as I was walking. It caught my eye because the plant is growing from the rock, at least that’s what it seemed like.
Sorry I couldn’t add anything or interesting this week. It went by fast for me, not sure how yours was. Have a great weekend everybody.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Foto Friday
Hey Everybody! How are you? I hope each and every one of you had an interesting but peaceful week. Here’s how my week went:
I went to the dentist. It was an extraction.
I can’t even tell you how badly I did not want to go to the dentist, but it’s one of those things where you have to do it. You don’t want to do it but it has to get done. The funny thing is, the worst part was the shots. Had to have two shots, then when my mouth was numb, the dentist seemed to just tap my tooth twice, and it came out. There’s been times I’ve went to the dentist, and they are just pulling and tugging on that stubborn tooth, but this time around was much easier. And I’m glad about that.
Did some walking this week. I hate to see trash everywhere. I mean, I’m not an environmentalist, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but unfortunately, in my neighborhood, people around here have no problems at all with leaving old mattresses, old clothes, used diapers, etc. just out right on the sidewalk. This trash was behind the fence, but still. It’s as if the people on the other side of the fence just threw their garbage, and said, “Oh well, let somebody else deal with it”. I hate that.
Ahhhh….good ol’ public transportation. Was on the bus a lot this week. There are some good points and some bad points to not having your own vehicle. But all in all, this week wasn’t that bad. There are some days I’ve gotten on the bus though, and I couldn’t wait to get off and be in the comfort of my own home. Safe from rude and bad kids, and guys trying to hit on me.
I’m glad I can say this week wasn’t like that.
Last but not least. A picture of this nice magnolia tree in my complex. It’s really pretty especially when the flowers are blooming. They are so beautiful and big. I sit under it when I’m waiting for my ride to pick me up.
That was my week in review. I pray that you all have a blessed weekend and make sure to relax and rest up for the week.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Cast Cover Z!
In the fall of
2008, my then 10-year old daughter broke her humerus, the large bone in the
upper arm (and no, it was NOT humer-ous at all!). Believe it or not, this was my
daughter's SIXTH broken bone, and my heart just went out to her. Tests confirmed
she did not have Brittle Bone disease -- she was just one of those kids (we all
knew one growing up… Now I was raising one!). Elli, meanwhile, was miserable.
Once again, her body had betrayed her and as a Mom, I wanted nothing more than
to help her feel better.
My daughter had
been complaining about her cast scratching her and snagging on things so I took
out my 30-year old sewing machine and whipped up a simple cover for it, and a
matching sling. It worked so well, I made a more colorful version. And, inspired
by Halloween coming up, I then made another set. Elli was starting to get quite
a few compliments at school and suddenly it hit me - this was a business!
With my
background in sales and marketing, I immediately researched it and found nothing
similar in the market. Our accidental creation, CastCoverZ!, was born. Our
mission was simple: to provide fun and functional products
that comfort orthopedic patients.
At first, our
business was fraught with challenges. My original business partner and I split
shortly after launching; our first large manufacturing order (nearly 1,000
units) was assembled with the wrong elastic and had to be re-done; and, most
devastatingly, just nine months into our business, I was diagnosed with a rare
form of breast cancer - less than one half of one percent of cancers are this
one. So much, lost, all at once.
Cancer forced
me to put on the brakes. I wanted to spend what little energy I had with my
family, and that meant putting CastCoverZ! on the back burner while I focused
after a year and a half, I came through my illness cancer-free. My family calls
it strength, but I believe it was a stubbornness not to let my business fail,
and a desire to be with my kids that got me through. When I was feeling better,
I sat my family down and said, "Okay guys, I'm ready to kick this thing into
overdrive." And I did. In three short years, our business has grown
exponentially. I now have a team of four people, and our headquarters has
spilled into a converted garage on our property.
CastCoverZ! truly is a family business. My daughter inspired it,
my son named it, my husband financed it, and I work it! And even though Rick
still maintains his career in commercial real estate, he's picked up the slack
in more ways than one: he drives the kids to and from school and helps around
the house -- AND, since the morning I ran into his office overwhelmed and
begging for help, he now spends a couple of hours a day fulfilling orders and
making runs to the post office for me. Soon, my 16-year old son will take over
Rick's duties as part of his summer job. In our marriage, sharing
responsibilities like this allows us to play to our strengths; Rick knows my
time is better spent growing the business -- and I know he definitely makes
better fish tacos!
Whether casted,
booted, splinted, braced or bandaged, I ensure CastCoverZ! always strives to
help our customers solve their biggest orthopedic challenges. And my clients
trust that I know what those are, being a mom of one of the most accident-prone
kids on the planet!
Elli, bless her
heart, is now 14, and since getting the idea for the business, has suffered two
additional fractures. I've told her I'm grateful for the inspiration, but I've
gotten all the ideas I need- she can stop breaking her bones now!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Thank You Lord

Lord, thank you for another day,
Within this life of mine.
Give me the strength to live it well,
Whatever I may find.
Bestow Your abundance,
Whatever I may lack,
To use the hours wisely,
For I cannot have them back.
Lord, thank You for another day,
In which to make amends
For little slights or petty words,
Inflicted on my friends.
For sometimes losing patience,
With problems that I find,
For seeing faults in other's lives,
But not the ones in mine.
Lord, thank you for another chance,
In which to try to be,
A little more deserving
Of the gifts You've given me.
For yesterday is over,
And tomorrow's far away.
And I remain committed,
To the good I do today!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Foto Friday
Here’s my week in review:
My mom had moved and she got rid of a bunch of things. Knick knacks and stuff. I was very proud of her, because I know sometimes, for whatever reason, it’s hard for my mom, and not just my mom, but people in general, to let go of some things. Even though we know we brought nothing into this world and we can’t take anything out. She also got rid of a bunch of dolls. Thankfully, I had this doll, that I borrowed from her about a year ago. I forgot to give it back to her, and now I’m kind of glad I had. It might have been given away, in my mom’s quest to de-clutter her home. I think she’s just too cute.
Speaking of de-cluttering. As my mom was getting rid of things and organizing, so was I. I put all my memories, old photos, old diaries, old dream books, old school reports…...just whatever is old and had some memory to me, went in here. And wouldn’t you know it, it wasn’t enough. How embarrassing. I had two other smaller boxes on top of this, that can also close tightly. Thank goodness. It’s amazing how much things can accumulate in a lifetime. Hey, I’m all for sentiment, don’t get me wrong, it just baffled my mind on how much stuff I had.
*Sigh*. I got through with this pile. But then this pile, got down to a smaller pile of things I have to file away. It’s getting there slowly but surely..or is it surely but slowly. Either way, it’s going down.
That was my week. Organizing. Cleaning. Throwing things away. Keeping things that are important. Some times though, this is a lifelong thing. Not just with paper, clutter, and material things. But even evaluating and re-evaluating old friendships. Are these people a drain or a help to me? Evaluating things that we give our time to. Is this helping people or am I just doing something to be doing it? Is this edifying to my spirit? Am I really getting something out of this, or am I just doing this to please people?
Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a blessed Labor Day. I know I will. I’m going on Staycation. And I’m going to love every minute of it.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Crochet: Backpack
I’m excited to try to crochet a backpack. Don’t know what I’m doing, (as usual), but I have this hobo bag (It’s the purple bag below the skeins of yarn), that I had crochet a while ago. Of course I got it from Teresa. I think I am going to modify this pattern though, in making my backpack. I’m going to use all 5 of these yarns at the same time and then I think I might keep crocheting a bit longer than where my hobo bag pattern had to stop.
There’s also this small pouch purse that I had also made a while ago, and there’s a point in making the pouch where you can make it so that you can slip some corded yarn through it, and then you can close it. Like a drawstring. Of course this small pouch pattern also comes from Teresa.
I had a backpack, a cheap thing that I bought from the Dollar Store, but it only lasted about a week. I guess that’s what I get for trying to save money. But I really need something to put my things in when I go out exercising (walking for two hours), since I’m gaining weight.
This is one of the things I love about crocheting and knitting. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s just so neat. If I need or want something, I can just grab some yarn and start working. How cool is that.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Crochet: Baby Sweater